Friday, April 27, 2012

Raspberry Jam -This is How We Do It

If you've ever made homemade jam you've probably had that moment when you look at the recipe and realize jam is more sugar than fruit.  Raspberry jam is a ratio of 4 cups of fruit to 6 1/2 cups of sugar, seriously.  Wow!  That kind of takes the fun out of making jam.

This is what we do for jam.  It tastes like heaven and I feel much better about serving it to my family.  Our 11 year old said, "I love this jam better than any store bought or homemade jam ever!"  It's that good.  I'm not sure if you could make it in large batches and bottle it, haven't tried yet.

4 cups mashed berries
1/3-1/2 cup chia seeds
1/4 to 1/2 c. honey or maple syrup to taste (1/2-1 c. sugar) 
1/2 c. ground chia seeds

I let the raspberries thaw on the counter for 5-6 hours (depends on the temperature of your house).

When they are soft I pour them into a large bowl. It's usually half berries and half juice.Pour the whole chia seeds into the bowl and mix well to absorb liquid (you won't even notice these in the jam). After 20 minutes or so when those have absorbed, stir in ground chia seeds and let sit for an hour. 

Spoon into jar, put on lid and refrigerate.

This fruit mixture isn't as thick as a pectin jam, but it's thick enough and completely yummy.  We usually use it up within a couple of weeks so that's the longest I've stored it. 

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