Links I Like

Sugar: The Bitter Truth   This video is a presentation by Dr. Robert H. Lustig, Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco.  It's long but so worth it, especially if you have young children. There is one section that gets pretty deep into chemistry but he explains the end result and it’s shocking.I highly recommend taking the time to watch this one.

Or his newest lecture on Youtube, "Fat Chance: Fructose 2.0"

KSL Story on Sugar - Part 1
    KSL recently did a series of 5 stories on sugar and the theories of Dr. Lustig.  If you want the cliff notes version of his lecture you can check it out here. (the comments from the sugar growers and corn syrup alliance will either amuse or anger you, just a warning)
KSL Part 2
KSL Part 3
KSL Part 4
KSL Part 5

KSL Story on Hidden Sugar in our Food

NY Times Article "Is Sugar Toxic?"

Soda Pop Reformation

Are You Becoming Flame Retardant?
Both quick reads.  They are a from a 50 year pop drinker who is in the medical profession. The chemical list for diet soda's is eerily impressive.

Diet Soda Causes Weight Gain

Where Organic Really Counts: Dirty dozen fruits and veggies, those with the most chemical residue. This list shows you which things are important to buy organic.  There is also a list of the 'Clean Fifteen' on the same page that says which produce you don't need to worry about buying organic.

The Processing of Vegetable Oils  This is an interesting description of how they get oil from corn and other vegetables.  Corn's not greasy so not sure where I thought the 'oil' came from. I never thought it came from chemical processes however.

Fillers and Wood Fiber in Food - KSL story

Here is blog discussing the American Academy of Pediatrics warning against food dyes for ADHD.  And another link to one of the actual studies Food Dye Study

The Food Babe looks at Chick-fil-A from the blog "100 Days of Real Food" (a blog I read often and really like)

Food Dyes - Love this mom's list of 7 reasons she hates food dyes