Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Favorite Homemade Christ Centered Advent

We've used this advent for almost 20 years. It's easy, not too expensive, and  best of all, it's Christ Centered. We cut one section off each night at dinner and read and discuss the scripture and question. We also have a rule that we don't eat the candy til the discussion is done. (that keeps us focused where we should be)

To assemble:  I have 24 questions to use for younger children that I will add at the end of this post, as well as another set we used when our children were older.  If we don't use the pre-done questions, we cut slips and for a Family Home Evening everyone writes a few slips.  Also when we have a missionary out everyone writes 2 scripture based and 2 funny or personal messages.  We've had to adapt as they get older.  But whichever questions you are using you will need them cut them into strips, some Christmas ribbon cut into 5 inch pieces, plastic wrap and whatever candy you choose to use, one piece for each person for each day.  (number in your family times 24 to have enough.) We like Hersheys kisses and they are  the perfect size but you can use anything your family likes. The larger the candy the longer your chain will be.
Layout a long strip of plastic wrap but don't cut the plastic wrap, leave it attached so you can unroll more in case you need a longer piece. Start by putting the 1st message along with 1 candy per person near the end of the plastic wrap.  Fold plastic wrap over and then tie a piece of ribbon at the end of the plastic wrap below the candy.
Gather plastic wrap above candy and tie a ribbon.  That's day 1.
Gently slide the next message and candy into plastic wrap and tie off. Continue for all 24 messages.
After you put the Christmas Eve message in you will cut the plastic wrap about 8-10 inches above your last ribbon.  Fold it back over to make a loop (this is how you will hang your advent).  Tie with ribbon.  We like to add 4-5 long pieces of curling ribbon at the top to hang down over the advent.
And that's it you are done!!  I always keep a small bowl of the same candies tucked away in a high cupboard so that if we have company during December we have a treat for them a well.

UPDATE:  The newest thing I've tried is QR codes that link to videos about Christ.  It's fun to watch videos with our questions. Last year the codes expired (should have researched better)   Hopefully these new codes will work for you, definitely check before you use them.   Here is the link to print off the QR code countdown.  You will need to download a qr code reader for your phone, there are plenty of free ones to choose from.

Here are the questions we used for our young children:

1. Luke 1:26-31, 38
What was the name of the angel that appeared to Mary?
2. Luke 2:4-7
Why did Joseph take Mary to Bethlehem?
3. Luke 2:8-16
Why do you think the shepherds were afraid?
4. Matthew 2:1-2
How do you think the wisemen knew to look for Jesus when they saw the star?
5. Luke 2:40
What does this tell us about the kind of child Jesus was?
6. Luke 2:41-49
What is the Father’s business Jesus talks about?
7. Luke 2:52
How do we increase our wisdom and favor with God?
8.Luke 5:1-6,10
What did Jesus mean when he said “Thou shalt catch men”?
9. Luke 5:17-25
Would you want Jesus to heal you to walk or forgive your sins?
10. Luke 7:11-15
How do you think the woman felt when her son was alive again?
11.Luke 8:41, 42, 49-56
How do you think the father felt when Jesus said “She shall be made whole” after the servant announced his daughter was dead?
12. Luke 22:1-5
Why do you think the wicked rulers wanted Jesus dead?
13. Luke 22:7-13
How do you think Jesus knew what the man would say when asked about a room for the disciples?
14. Luke 22:14,17-20
What do you think Jesus was teaching the disciples about?
15. Luke 22:21
How do you think Judas felt when Jesus said this?
16. Luke 22:39-44
How does this scripture make you feel?
17. Luke 22:47-51
Why do you think Jesus healed the man who had come to take him prisoner? What does that teach us about our Savior?
18. Luke 22: 63-64
What do you think of this scripture?
19. Luke 23:1-4
What did the people accuse Jesus of doing?
20. Luke 23:13-23
Why do you think Pilate, the ruler, didn’t release Jesus and instead did what the people wanted?
21. Luke 23:33-34
Who was Jesus asking Heavenly Father to forgive? Do you think it was the Jews or the Roman soldiers?
22.Luke 23:50-53
What kind of a man do you think this Joseph was?
23. Matthew 27:1-9
Can you imagine what the disciples felt when they saw Jesus alive again?
24. Luke 2:1-16
Merry Christmas

And one we've used with our older children:

1.        1.  Prophecy:  Zechariah 11:12-13 ( Zechariah speaks Messianically)       Fulfillment:   Matthew 27:3-10 (silver)
2.        2.  The dates on which Jesus was slain coincided with the Jewish Passover.  Passover, symbolic of the Savior’s crucifixion, was being celebrated at the same time Jewish leaders were working to have the Lamb of God condemned to die. 

3.       3.   Prophecy:  Psalm 34:20     Fulfillment:  John 19:33 (bones)

4.        4.  Prophecy:  Psalm 22:18    Fullfillment:  John 19:23-24 (lots)

5.        5.  Prophecy:  Isaiah 53:9    Fullfillment: Mathew 27:58-60  (grave)
6.  John 1: 3   (all things made)
7. Acts 10:38  (baptism)
                8. Prophecy:  Zechariah 9:9-10     Fulfillment: Matthew 21:2-6 (colt)
9.  The Lord instituted the Sacrament at the Last Supper to replace the Passover.  The old covenant was fulfilled, the blood of the lamb  had been shed.  No more would blood sacrifice be required. 
The Passover was a covenant of safety, just as the Sacrament is a covenant of safety for us. (Pres. Hunter)
Elder Holland asked: “ Do we see the sacrament as our Passover, the remembrance of our safety and deliverance and redemption?
With so very much at stake, this ordinance commemorating our escape from the angel of darkness should be taken more seriously than it sometimes is. It should be a powerful, reverent, reflective moment.  It should encourage feelings and impressions. “

10.  John 3:12  Whom did the serpent represent? Why did some of the Israelites not look to the serpent?  1Nephi 17:41
“We, like Israel of old, must rivet our eyes and minds upon . . . Christ if we hope to gain eternal life . . . Our looks must not be allowed to wander across the way or to become fixed upon the perishable things of the world.  The eye . .. must be trained to look upward.  We must look to God and live.” (Carlos E Asay  Conf. Oc 1978)

11.  Luke 1:26-33  What was the name of the angel who visited Mary?

12.  It was about the third hour (9:00 a.m.) of the sixth day (Friday) when the Savior was nailed to the cross. Despite the pain of the nailing, the Savior later could still look upon the Roman soldiers and say, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34.)
About noon a great earthquake occurred, which among other things rent the veil of the temple. The light of the sun was also obscured, and “there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.” (Luke 23:44.)
It was about three in the afternoon when the Savior cried out, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46.) Then he said, “It is finished” (John 19:30), and “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit” (Luke 23:46).

13. Luke 2:40  What does it mean to wax strong in spirit and wisdom?
14.  Matthew 3:13-17  Luke 3:23  How old was Jesus when he was baptized? 
15.  Luke 5:17-26  Which was the greater blessing for this man, to have his sins forgiven or to be healed?
16.  Luke 4:14-22  How was the scripture fulfilled this day?   Why didn’t the people realize the truth?
17.  Luke 8:10-17  After a day of ministering to the people what was the Savior’s response to his disciples when they asked him to send the people away?              Why?
18.  Luke 22:3-6 and       Matthew 26:22-25   How do you think Judas felt after this?  Why do you think he would Savior betray the Savior after this discussion? 
19.  (Sunday before)
When he was asked directly, “Tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God” (Matt. 26:63), his answer was clear and definite, “I am.” (Mark 14:62.) The apostate high priest cried out, “He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? … He is guilty of death.” (Matt. 26:65–66.)
Thus one of the greatest ironies in history occurred, for Jesus, the divine Son of God, the one person who could not have been guilty of falsely assuming the power of God, was found guilty of blasphemy! Also, the only person since the fall of Adam who had power over physical death was condemned to die! However, the power to pronounce capital punishment had been taken away from the Jewish council by Roman decree; thus the leaders of the Sanhedrin had him delivered to Pilate so an official decree of death could be issued.
The Savior was thus brought to trial before Pontius Pilate, the procurator of Judea who lived in Caesarea but who happened to be in Jerusalem for the Jewish feasts. There, Pilate came outside to hear their charges. The charge was now changed to that of high treason, the most serious offense in the Roman law. To back their charge of treason against the Savior, the members of the Sanhedrin falsely claimed the Savior had forbidden the people to give tribute to Caesar (his actual words were, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s”—Matt. 22:21), and they also accused him of making himself a king. (Luke 23:2.) When Pilate asked the Savior directly, “Art thou the king of the Jews?” (Luke 23:3), the Savior answered, “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36).
Thus finding no fault in him, Pilate was about to let the Savior go free when one of the priests claimed that Jesus had been teaching treason “beginning from Galilee to this place.” (Luke 23:5.) As soon as Pilate was reminded that Jesus was a Galilean, he sent the Savior to be tried by Herod, the vassal ruler of the province of Galilee, who was also in Jerusalem for the Passover season. However, when the Savior refused to answer any of the questions put to him by Herod, he was taken again before Pilate by the members of the Sanhedrin, who were determined to have a death sentence pronounced against him.
Pilate could still find no fault in the Savior and so declared, saying, “I will … chastise him, and release him.” (Luke 23:16.) Pilate also reminded the Jews that it was the custom during the Passover season to release one of the prisoners from prison and that he was willing to invoke this precedence for the release of Jesus. However, the people cried, “Release … Barabbas” (Luke 23:18); thus a murderer and one guilty of sedition was released, while the innocent one was retained.
When finally Pilate asked the people what they wanted him to do with Jesus, their awful cry was, “Crucify him, crucify him.” (Luke 23:21.)
20.    Mark 14:36 and Luke 22:44  What was Christ asking for?  Why?  Do you think he knew what he was facing?
21. Luke 2:52 How do we increase our wisdom and favor with God?
22.  Mark 15:1-28  Look up the name Barabas in the Bible Dictionary.  What is the definition of this name and what is the symbolism involved?
23.  John 20:18   Tell how you think Mary must have felt as she recognized ‘the gardener’.  Think about what this scripture means to you.
24.   Luke 2

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