Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Naturally Sweetened Cluster Style Granola

This recipe is sweetened using just honey and applesauce.  My favorite reason for using applesauce is because it makes clumpy, chunky, yummy globs of goodness granola. It's more like what you buy at the store than traditional homemade granola. This is yummy stuff. I added raisins to up the sweet factor, but our son B. who loves granola, but doesn't like raisins thinks it would be even better "without raisins and with a bit more honey." So if you aren't the raisin, craisin in your granola kind,  you might want to add a bit more honey. 
My favorite new way to finish granola is the dehydrator. (hence the photo above) The oven works great but I've never been able to stir it without getting granola all over the stove top, the counter top, the oven and the floor.  I always believe I will gently stir without spilling over the sides of the baking sheet, but I'm seriously granola-stirring-challenged.  It's just not in my skill set.  The nice thing about dehydrator granola is that you can keep the temp low to keep things raw and once you put it on the trays, no stirring. Let me say that awesome phrase again, No Stirring, which means no overflow, no mess.   It's genious I'm telling you.  I've included the oven instructions as well because everyone may not have my issues. (or a dehydrator) Enjoy!

Naturally Sweetened Cluster Style Granola

In a large bowl combine:
6 c old fashioned oats
1/2 c misc seeds
1 1/2 T cinnamon
large pinch of nutmeg
1/2 t sat
1 1/2 c whole almonds
2 c unsweetened shredded coconut

In separate bowl mix together:

3 T coconut oil (soften in a double boiler if its too hard)
2 c applesauce
1/3 c honey (increase to 1/2 c. if you like a sweeter granola)

Pour over dry ingredients and mix well.

OVEN METHOD: Spread granola on 2 large baking sheets (I like to use parchment on them but plain pans work fine too) Place in 300' oven for about 1 hour, removing every 20 minutes to stir very carefully, though if you spill remember you aren't alone in your mess making.   If baking both pans at once rotate pans from top rack to bottom etc.

If adding raisins or dried fruit, allow to cool slightly and mix: 

 2 c. rasins, craisins or dry fruit pieces.
 Store in air tight container.


Spread granola on trays with inserts (the kind for drying fruit leather) If you don't have trays you can line your trays with parchment, just be sure to leave the edges clear for the air to circulate.  Dry on 105' for approx. 18-36 hours.  Start checking at 18 and keep checking til granola is completely dry.

If adding dry fruit add immediately after removing granola from dehydrator.  Mix well and store in air tight container.

Enjoy this yummy stuff and leave me a comment about how you like it.

Adapted from a recipe at Everybody Loves Sandwiches

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