Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pita Pockets

The kids loved these. They ate them for snacks after school, at dinner and we used them for breakfast the next day with scrambled eggs, bacon crumbles and cheese.

Update: Totally passing on the old recipe, trust me that it's more work than you want to go to. It's much easier to make my bread recipe and bake it like pitas.
Let bread rise in greased bowl til double. Preheat oven to 450'. If you have a pizza stone place it in the oven for the preheat, if not you can use a cookie sheet covered in parchment.
Punch dough down and then remove roll size pieces and flatten by hand. Lay on lightly flowered surface and roll out to 1/2 inch thick. Let sit for 10-15 minutes.
When oven is hot lay 3-4 pitas on stone (or parchment lined baking sheet) and cook 4 minutes. Turn over and cook another 4 minutes.
Remove pitas from stone and place on cutting board. When cool enough to touch cut in half and then slit each side to form a pocket.
These are soft, yummy pitas that are easy to stuff.

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